Bluesite Consulting

SharePoint Quality Management System

SharePoint QMS is a no-code solution for quality management. Often used as
alternative to quality management software. What to expect and how to get started.

How do I set up a SharePoint QMS?

First, you need to add and configure lists for core elements required by ISO 9001
like issues, risks, actions, objectives and more (SharePoint QMS Template available).
Second, you need to add libraries with templates for process maps, Ishikawa diagrams,
runs charts and more. Third, you´ll configure reminders for resubmission dates,
conditional formatting for deadlines, and more.

read more frequently asked questions about SharePoint QMS

ISO 9001 Document Control

Document Approvals

Ensure review and approval of quality management system documentation,
after creating and updating a document (ISO 9001:2015, Clause 7.5.2)

Video - Approval status of an operation procedure document in SharePoint Online, and how people request approval using Teams

Importend moments in the video above:
Approval status in version history of a document -
Request approval using Microsoft Teams -
Approval of a document in SharePoint

Document Versioning

Optionaly control changes on documentation, see requirements (ISO 9001:2015), Clause c)

Screenshot of approval request detail in Microsofts Teams App ‘Approvals’ showing a simple sign-off of a document by one person requested by another
Figure - Version history of a document in a SharePoint document library

Revision Control

A Microsoft 365 feature named flow (formerly known as workflow) sends you an E-Mail reminder
when the review deadline will be reached soon. In addition, overdue reviews are marked in red.

Screenshot of a SharePoint Quality Management Site with a short list of documents where the date in the Review column is in past for one document and therefore highlighted red.
Screenshot - Review deadline of one document is exceeded and therefore highlighted in red

Process Documentation

Video - Create a new process with Copilot in Word, store it in the SharePoint document library for document management, and continuously improve it

SharePoint QM systems support the process approach of ISO 9001:2015 with multiple templates for process diagrams.

Screenshot shows a vertically split browser, left third shows a guide with the heading
Screenshot – Process Documentation Guide and a set of optimized Templates for Documenting QMS Processes

A SharePoint QMS with Microsoft 365 from Bluesite Consulting includes a guide to help you define the processes of your quality
management system. The process diagram is automatically generated from the process steps recorded in an Excel spreadsheet.

Screenshot shows a vertically split browser, left third shows a guide with the heading
Screenshot – Create Process Documentation Guide left, and Process Diagram with Process Steps right

Action Tracking


Microsofts Lists App is great to deal with lists, each line is one action. Filter like Excel for the
category’s column, here corrective and preventive action for CAPA action list.

Screenshot of Microsoft Lists in SharePoint Online filtered by two categories of quality management actions, corrective action, or preventive action, known as CAPA
Screenshot - CAPA view, action list filtered by corrective and preventive actions

Quality objectives

Maintain documented information on measurable and relevant objectives to
enhance customer satisfaction (ISO 9001:2015, Clause 6.2)

Screenshot of SharePoint Team website showing an quality objetive on the right with the fields description, measurement, monitoring and communication
Quality objective list designed according to SMART criteria to set goals and objectives
Record new objective in SharePoint or Lists app, an Automate rule sends e-mail to responsible about objectives

Risks & opportunities

Demonstrate that you determined risks and opportunities to quality results, effects, and improvement (ISO 9001:2015, Clause 6.1.1)

Quality actions

Keep an eye on actions planned for risks and opportunities (ISO 9001:2015, Clause 6.1.2),
and improvement (ISO 9001:2015, Clause 10) using modern SharePoint Lists.

Microsoft Lists Work progress tracker showing ISO 9001 actions on a HiDPI Laptop screen
Figure - Progress tracker list in SharePoint QMS

Scope Analysis

Scope definition document template

Supports you to demonstrate that you determined the scope of the quality management system (ISO 9001:2015, Clause 4.3)

Document template for ISO 9001 Quality management system scope in a SharePoint Document library
Figure - System scope definition template in reports library

External and internal issues

Show the results of your PEST analysis (ISO 9001:2015 Clause 4.1) - this is required input for annual reviews

External and internal issues to understand the organization and its context in Microsoft Lists on a SharePoint team site
Figure - Issues in SharePoint QMS

System requirements and parties

Requirements of relevant interested parties (ISO 9001:2015, Clause 4.2); not requirements for products or services

System requirment of a QMS in SharePoint
Figure - Requirments in SharePoint QMS

Interested parties and issues monitoring

Record and communicate issues are monitored by news post or article (ISO 9001:2015, Clauses 4.1 and 4.2)

Performance evaluation and improvement

Reports for evaluation and analyze

Reports library including templates from Microsoft for monitoring, measurement, analysis,
and evaluation (ISO 9001:2015, Clause 9) to support continual improvement (ISO 9001:2015, Clause 10)

Templates: Problem analysis, Run chart, Causes of low customer satisfaction, Customer
satisfaction improvement plan, Product quality control chart, Production errors scatter chart

Microsoft templates for evaluation and analyze of quality systems in a SharePoint document library
Figure - Microsoft templates for quality systems in a SharePoint Library

Frequently asked questions about SharePoint QMS

How do I set up a SharePoint QMS?

First, you create lists and libraries for actions, processes, quality objectives, risks, opportunities, and so on.
Then you configure notifications and deadlines for conditional formatting. Finally, you upload the document templates.

Cover page, table of contents and sample of the 33-page system setup guide

SharePoint Quality Management System Setup Guide

Step-by-step instructions for creating lists and libraries for actions, processes, quality objectives,
risks, opportunities, and more. Configuring notifications and deadlines for
conditional formatting and uploading document templates.

only 73.50 USD


last update: November 15, 2024

Reviews (more reviews)
5 stars am August, 11. 2024

"Wirklich tolle Anleitung."

5 stars on July, 4. 2024

"Es wird automatisch davon ausgegangen das man die Admin Rechte hat"

4 stars on May, 28. 2024

4 stars on April, 29. 2024

"Thank you for your effort for making this template! Now I have to learn to use it!"

5 stars am April, 17. 2024

"gut aufbereitet, wenn die Umsetzung auch so gut klappt, wird es super!"

5 stars on January, 10. 2024

on October, 24. 2023

"It would be good to have information on other processes"

How can a SharePoint quality management system comply with the ISO 9001 standard?

ISO 9001 is a set of requirements that the business must meet - not the software or cloud-based service.
Using SharePoint Online service and the Quality management guide with templates, organizations meet these requirements easier and faster.

How does a SharePoint Quality Management System template work?

You can upgrade even your existing SharePoint team site to a SharePoint QMS by a single click. A site script will add
list, libraries, views, and more to your SharePoint team site. You may upload optional document templates and set reminders.

Document template for ISO 9001 Quality management system scope in a SharePoint Document library

SharePoint QMS Template

SharePoint QMS Template needs to be installed to your organization first: upload the thumbnail and
preview images, change the tenant name in the JSON file, and start the PowerShell script to upload the template.

only 101.15 USD


last update: May 7, 2024

4 stars on January, 14. 2025

5 stars on December, 20. 2024

5 stars on November, 22. 2024

5 stars on July, 31. 2024

"Nothing at present Thank you Dennis"

5 stars am May, 14. 2024

"Can't think of any at this early stage, as I have just finished installing your QMS templates."

on April, 29. 2024

"Thank you for your effort for making this template! Now I have to learn to use it!"

What are the system requirements for this SharePoint QMS?

Creating a SharePoint Quality Management System requires Microsoft 365 Business Standard or
Microsoft 365 Business Premium. No other third-party tool or add-on is required.

Is SharePoint QMS just for ISO 9001 or also usable for other standards?

Applicable to all standards following the High Level Structure (HLS) ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 50001:2018

How do I use Sharepoint for Quality Management?

Using a SharePoint Quality management system

Demonstrating risks and action management, context of organisation, scope definition and more

Video content

External and internal issues

Interested parties and their requirements

System scope definition

Document processes using diagrams

Risks and opportunities