Bluesite Consulting

Apply a SharePoint Quality Management site template

Use SharePoint QMS Template to quickly and easily add Quality Management System components like issues, objectives, requirements, and risks in SharePoint

  1. Find and use the SharePoint QMS Template
  2. Start using your SharePoint Quality Management System

Step 1 - Find the SharePoint QMS Template

Top right corner of your site, click on Settings and on Apply a site template

Under Select a template, click on tab From your Organization, and on template named Quality management

Microsoft SharePoint Online Service showing the dialog “Select a template”, highlighted “From your organization”, and a thumbnail of another SharePoint Online Service to demonstrate how it looks after applying the “Quality management” template
Screenshot 1 - SharePoint QMS Template as “Quality management” after you uploaded it under “From your organization”

Step 2 - Use the SharePoint QMS Template

Under Preview and use ´Quality management´ template, click on Use template

Microsoft SharePoint Online Service showing the dialog “Preview and use ´Quality management´ template” with a screenshot of a SharePoint Quality management team site already applied the QM template
Screenshot 2 - Dialog showing the preview of a SharePoint Quality management team site, ready to use the QM template

Step 3 - View your SharePoint QMS Site

When you see the green highlighted text You template has successfully been applied to your site! under Template details in the Script actions, click on View site

Dialog “Preview and use ´Quality management´ template”, highlighted “Script actions” shows “You template has successfully been applied to your site!” under Template details after the SharePoint QMS Template was used
Screenshot 3 - You template has successfully been applied to your site!

Get ready to use SharePoint Quality Management System!

Download Bluesite Consulting SharePoint QMS Template (JSON file, PowerShell script, thumbnail and preview images) and improve your SharePoint Team site for Quality management. You can enhance any SharePoint team site with SharePoint QMS Template by just one click. A site script will create lists, libraries, views, and more for your SharePoint team site. You can also upload optional document templates and set reminders for ISO 9001 Document Control.

Create you SharePoint QMS site or upgrade your existing SharePoint Team website for ISO 9001 Bluesite Consulting SharePoint QMS Template

Start using your SharePoint Quality Management System

After you applied the SharePoint QMS Template to your Team site, continue using the quick start guide.

Web browser in split screen, in the left third of the page a quickstart guide (PDF) with instructions on how to use the quality management system, and on the right-hand side of the page the SharePoint Quality management team site
Screenshot 4 - SharePoint Quality management team site and the quick start guide (left)
published on October 12, 2021, updated on July 10, 2024 at 11:20am